Service Costs

To make bookings, please call the office 01634 666636/685629

or email

Our services.

  • Weddings

    Costs for wedding ceremony only. Please see Wedding Extras for additional available services and costs.

    Fee £551.00
    Paathi Cost: £ 21.00

    TOTAL COST: £572.00

  • Weddings Extras

    Decorations in Langar Hall and Darbar Sahib can be arranged. Please discuss requirements with Management for a quote.

    Nishani cooking (per day) £175.00

    Kitchen use (Outside Caterers for Tea) £550.00

    Kitchen use (Outside Caterers for Tea & Langar) £850.00

    Civil Marriage Registration Cost: £101.00

  • Akhand Paath (Sewa by Family)

    Costs include Langar cooking only. Extra charge applies for Jalebi’s, Ladoo’s etc. See Other Charges

    Cost £ 601.00

    Paathi Cost £ 451.00

    TOTAL COST: £1052.00

  • Akhand Paath (Sewa by Gurdwara)

    Langar & Costs £1201.00

    Paathi Cost £ 451.00

    TOTAL COST: £1652.00

  • Sukhmani Paath (Sewa by Family)

    Costs include Langar cooking only. Extra charge applies for Jalebi’s, Ladoo’s etc. See Other Charges.

    Cost £225.00
    Paathi Cost £ 51.00
    TOTAL COST: £276.00

  • Sukhmani Sahib (Sewa by Gurdwara)

    (plus Langar prepared)

    Cost including Langar £601.00
    Paathi Cost £ 51.00

    TOTAL COST: £652.00

  • Sukhmani Sahib (At Home)

    Costs for up to and including two (2) hours only.

    Paathi Cost £ 51.00

    Paathi travelling costs extra

  • Sehaj Paath (At Home)

    Paathi Cost £401.00

    Paathi travelling costs extra

    TOTAL COST: £401.00 plus travel

  • Sehaj Paath (at Gurdwara)

    Cost (Sewa by Family £175.00

    Cost (Sewa by Gurdwara) £601.00

    Paathi Cost £401.00



  • Other Charges

    Cost for use of the Langar Hall (birthday/kurmai etc.) £200.00 per day

    Use of Kitchen for cooking (jalebi’s/ladoos etc.) £175.00 per day

    Use of Kitchen for Langar for outside use £175.00 per day

  • Borrowing/Hiring (per week)

    1 Table and 6 Chairs £5.00

    For any other items such as utensils, china tea service etc. please discuss requirements with Management for a quote.

  • NOTES:

    These prices were updated August 2023 and may not reflect any subsequent price changes. Current prices can be confirmed by the Office.

    Any additional requirements will be at an extra cost at the discretion of the Gurdwara Committee.

    The Sewak Family is responsible for the cleaning of the Kitchen and Langar Hall after their programme. Cleaning by the Gurdwara is subject to an extra charge (minimum of £100.00)